Poate e imposibil, o simpla privire divina care te desprinde de realitate, te induce in starea de euforie perfecta primaverii timpurii.
Lasa-te purtata de strigatele inimii si fugi cu mine tinandu-ma de mana, ne vom refugia in lumea noastra complet indepartata narand in continuare fericirea.
"A scientist might say...Well love is a drug to make me feel this way."
What`s the definition of love? Tell me what it means for you this word. Tell me what`s the perfect match of two of uss? Baby love is you, the simple you. Is something chemical,love must be a drug to me, love must be a drug to you.
Love is kind it makes me stronger,i don`t have to look no longer, you the one i cling to, love is you.
I`m so glad i found, love is you.
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