duminică, 3 aprilie 2011

You fill me with sunshine.

Nu exista zambet in lume mai radiant decat al tau, exact ca atunci cand obrajii iti sunt incalziti de soare si ochisorii aproape inchisi,doborati de raze.
Poate e imposibil, o simpla privire divina care te desprinde de realitate, te induce in starea de euforie perfecta primaverii timpurii.
Lasa-te purtata de strigatele inimii si fugi cu mine tinandu-ma de mana, ne vom refugia in lumea noastra complet indepartata narand in continuare fericirea.

"A scientist might say...Well love is a drug to make me feel this way."

What`s the definition of love? Tell me what it means for you this word. Tell me what`s the perfect match of two of uss? Baby love is you, the simple you. Is something chemical,love must be a drug to me, love must be a drug to you.
Love is kind it makes me stronger,i don`t have to look no longer, you the one i cling to, love is you.
I`m so glad i found, love is you.

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